Complacent Americans sit on the sidelines as their country burns!

By Murray Montgomery
‘Talk Common Sense’

The murder of George Floyd was a “call to action” for the Communist Party.

They saw their opportunity to take over America using racial division and white guilt. College-educated kids, indoctrinated for years by liberal Communist professors, took the


Murray Montgomery

hate-America bait and ran with it.

Silently waiting their opportunity from as far back as the 1950s, Communists are now in action using black people as pawns to complete their agenda. Complacent, law-abiding Americans, of all colors, are refusing to take action as the Communist-led groups, BLM and Antifa are destroying their country.

Statues being destroyed, history being erased, as the United States – the great beacon of liberty throughout the world is rapidly being destroyed because its citizens refuse to act. Sad.

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