Think about it! Who should be open?

I’m sure most of you have been to Walmart since the Wuhan China Virus attacked the U.S. – while you are there, people are all around you, right? So why on earth are the folks who suffer the most, financially, not allowed to open their businesses? Yep, I’m talking about the “Mom & Pop” stores. If these locally owned businesses are not allowed to open, chances are they will be out of business, forever! Think about it, why is it any safer to go  to Walmart than your local family owned hardware store? It makes absolutely no sense! I applaud any business owner who defies these orders from would-be demigod governors, mayors, and judges! If you all open back up, there’s not a damn thing they can do about it! Why should the Walmarts of this world get a pass while the “little man” is continuously being screwed? – Bude Lepsi

Alan Jackson got it right in this video – “The Little Man”

It’s time to open the country!

    I know many will disagree, but it’s time to open America, now! We cannot maintain this shut down without our country going into a deep depression and that condition is becoming dangerously close. donald-trump
    Experts have said that if the United States goes into a state of depression, it will take up to four years or more to recover.
As I write this, I am one of that group who is highly at risk to get the China Virus – elderly with a chronic medical condition. With that being said, I am willing to risk the consequences; we must, for the sake of the younger generation, not allow our enormously successful economic engine to be destroyed.
In my opinion, this country should be declared fully open on May 1 – laws should be passed to prevent opportunists from suing any business and they should be warned that they patronize any business at their own risk.
The United States drives the world’s economy and we have to maintain this status. The weaker we get, the more it benefits our enemies and we must stay powerful to protect our citizens and free people all around the globe.
This virus is bad – there’s no doubt about it, but we cannot allow the cure to be worse than the disease. I agree with President Trump, many more people will die from suicide and other things if we allow our economy to fail. For the sake of all of us and the world – we must open our country! – Bude Lepsi