Restricted for 90 days!

By Murray Montgomery

You think I would have learned by now that you can’t write about the China Virus Vaccine, in a negative way, on Facebook (FB) without paying a price. Recently, I shared a YouTube video that put the “jab” in a bad light and the liberal clowns at FB didn’t like it and they tagged me with a 90 day suspension. I’m not sure exactly what that means but from what I could gather, they will pretty much shadow ban my posts and make them not visible.

Facebook is on a power trip now but a reckoning is on the way. The way I see it, when President Donald J. Trump launches his new social media site FB will lose about half of its members – I’ve already signed up for the new conservative site. Trump promises not to censure but yet be open to all points of view. In my opinion, that’s all a normal person would expect – most folks just want a fair shake and the ability to express their views without being suppressed by a bunch of “woke” jerks.

Chances are that FB will put me back in their jail when I post a link to this article, so I’m asking all my friends and followers to bookmark this blog – I will continue to keep you updated on my situation. Remember, my “Talk Common Sense” podcast is on most of the platforms including: Pandora, Spotify, Amazon Music, Google Podcast, iHeart Radio, Tunein, Apple Podcasts, and many more – just Google it.

I am also on the following conservative sites under my name: Twitter, MeWe, Orbys, Parler, CloutHub, Getter, Substack, Locals, and Telegram.

My video podcasts are on YouTube (MVM Images) and (tcm409). I appreciate all of you and I hope you have an awesome Christmas!

Dr. Fauci is not God – it’s past time to open up America

I’m don’t hate Dr. Fauci, but people need to understand that this man is not God – far Dr. Faucifrom it! From the time we were first attacked by the China Wuhan virus, Fauci has somehow become the leading expert on this disease. On his show recently, Fox News commentator Tucker Carlson showed various clips of Fauci saying one thing and then another – often contradicting himself. Personally, I feel that the good doctor should be removed from his position of power and not allowed to continue to run the country and spout his opinion about when Americans go back to work. American citizens need to go back to work, now! And by the way, Fauci said, just a few weeks ago, that people should not be wearing masks. As for me, I have not worn a mask and I will not wear a mask. Americans should be working and our children should be back in school. More harm is being done to this country by this shut down of our economy and if it continues, America may never recover. – Bude Lepsi

I’ve included this short video of a recent broadcast that I did for my ‘Talk Common Sense’ podcast page on Facebook. You can find my podcast on Pandora, Stitcher, IHeart Radio, TuneIn, Apple podcasts, and Spotify. I hope you will check out the Facebook page and the podcast – I certainly would appreciate it. Also you can find my YouTube channel under the name ‘MVM Images.’ Thanks so much.

It’s time to open the country!

    I know many will disagree, but it’s time to open America, now! We cannot maintain this shut down without our country going into a deep depression and that condition is becoming dangerously close. donald-trump
    Experts have said that if the United States goes into a state of depression, it will take up to four years or more to recover.
As I write this, I am one of that group who is highly at risk to get the China Virus – elderly with a chronic medical condition. With that being said, I am willing to risk the consequences; we must, for the sake of the younger generation, not allow our enormously successful economic engine to be destroyed.
In my opinion, this country should be declared fully open on May 1 – laws should be passed to prevent opportunists from suing any business and they should be warned that they patronize any business at their own risk.
The United States drives the world’s economy and we have to maintain this status. The weaker we get, the more it benefits our enemies and we must stay powerful to protect our citizens and free people all around the globe.
This virus is bad – there’s no doubt about it, but we cannot allow the cure to be worse than the disease. I agree with President Trump, many more people will die from suicide and other things if we allow our economy to fail. For the sake of all of us and the world – we must open our country! – Bude Lepsi

Christians, Stop Saying Jesus Is The Son Of God. It Provokes Muslims. What is your response to Muslims now ?

Buried in the concluding paragraphs of a Christmas Eve Washington Times report about Muslims in Uganda forcing Christians to convert to Islam was the extraordinary revelation that in that country, Muslims now consider any public statement of the Christian Faith to be a calculated insult to Muslims, for which they can justifiably exact revenge.

Source: Christians, Stop Saying Jesus Is The Son Of God. It Provokes Muslims. What is your response to Muslims now ? – Trump Train

These people are savages, whether Facebook likes that term or not! It’s time for Christians to stop living in fear of these frickin’ animals and start fighting back. You can’t “turn the other cheek” with people who are determined to kill you, the infidel. Stand up and fight back! These people should never be allowed in any free country!
-Bude Lepsi