Just call me ‘Comrade’

By Murray Montgomery
Talk Common Sense

Well, I’ve been thinking about this a lot in the past few days and have decided that the Commies just might have the answer to this “pronoun” problem. Yep, the liberal snowflakes have been so worried about what people should be called, but the Communists solved that problem decades ago – simply just call everybody “Comrade.”

If you do it that way, there is no problem. No more him or her, – no more boys and girls – no more mom and dad; you get the picture. We no longer have to worry about the gender of Mr. Potato Head, we can just call him comrade Potato Head – yep, problem solved. What a wonderful thing it will be; one restroom for all the comrades. You no longer have to identify as anything because everybody knows you’re just a comrade – they don’t even have to check between your legs to find out.

Just imagine how much easier things will be now that the liberals no longer have to worry about pronouns. Now, they can spend more time making everything racist and concentrate on the sins of the evil white comrade! But wait, doesn’t comrade mean “friend?” How, then, can liberals be friends with anything white if they’re not another liberal? If the comrade turns how to be a white, conservative male who voted for President Trump, that screws up everything! Oh crap! There’s that gender thing again!

Just when I thought that I had solved the pronoun problem, that evil white man shows up again and spoils the whole damn thing!

Rick Schroeder makes heart-felt comments about America

For those of you who’ve seen the iconic western “Lonesome Dove,” no doubt will recognize Ricky Schroeder who played Newt in the TV movie. Schroeder is a true American patriot who loves America and he expresses that love in the short video below. – Talk Common Sense


Complacent Americans sit on the sidelines as their country burns!

By Murray Montgomery
‘Talk Common Sense’

The murder of George Floyd was a “call to action” for the Communist Party.

They saw their opportunity to take over America using racial division and white guilt. College-educated kids, indoctrinated for years by liberal Communist professors, took the


Murray Montgomery

hate-America bait and ran with it.

Silently waiting their opportunity from as far back as the 1950s, Communists are now in action using black people as pawns to complete their agenda. Complacent, law-abiding Americans, of all colors, are refusing to take action as the Communist-led groups, BLM and Antifa are destroying their country.

Statues being destroyed, history being erased, as the United States – the great beacon of liberty throughout the world is rapidly being destroyed because its citizens refuse to act. Sad.

Dr. Fauci is not God – it’s past time to open up America

I’m don’t hate Dr. Fauci, but people need to understand that this man is not God – far Dr. Faucifrom it! From the time we were first attacked by the China Wuhan virus, Fauci has somehow become the leading expert on this disease. On his show recently, Fox News commentator Tucker Carlson showed various clips of Fauci saying one thing and then another – often contradicting himself. Personally, I feel that the good doctor should be removed from his position of power and not allowed to continue to run the country and spout his opinion about when Americans go back to work. American citizens need to go back to work, now! And by the way, Fauci said, just a few weeks ago, that people should not be wearing masks. As for me, I have not worn a mask and I will not wear a mask. Americans should be working and our children should be back in school. More harm is being done to this country by this shut down of our economy and if it continues, America may never recover. – Bude Lepsi

I’ve included this short video of a recent broadcast that I did for my ‘Talk Common Sense’ podcast page on Facebook. You can find my podcast on Pandora, Stitcher, IHeart Radio, TuneIn, Apple podcasts, and Spotify. I hope you will check out the Facebook page and the podcast – I certainly would appreciate it. Also you can find my YouTube channel under the name ‘MVM Images.’ Thanks so much.