New Facebook page for the “Talk Common Sense” podcast


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Disrespect for law enforcement must not be tolerated, period!

    I’ve been hesitating all day before writing this piece. Mainly because I am so fricking angry after watching numerous videos of America’s law enforcement officers being disrespected and doused with water!
    Seeing the cops in New York City walking away with their heads down while trashy


Murray Montgomery

punks pour water on them is just about more than I can bear. Now it seems that children are shooting them with water guns while savage punks run up and dump five-gallon buckets of water on the officers.
    How long before the water is replaced with acid or Clorox? These police officers have no idea what’s in those buckets. As far as I’m concerned, they should just take it for granted that it is some life-threatening liquid and then respond accordingly.
    When police officers are no longer respected, this country will descend into chaos and our society is doomed. If this situation isn’t dealt with now, the safety of our communities will be at risk.
    In my opinion, police chiefs and sheriffs around the country should authorize their officers to meet these threats with physical force! They should be ordered to tase any individual who approaches them with a bucket of liquid. And if they feel their life is in danger, they should respond with deadly force. This cannot be allowed to continue!