Restricted for 90 days!

By Murray Montgomery

You think I would have learned by now that you can’t write about the China Virus Vaccine, in a negative way, on Facebook (FB) without paying a price. Recently, I shared a YouTube video that put the “jab” in a bad light and the liberal clowns at FB didn’t like it and they tagged me with a 90 day suspension. I’m not sure exactly what that means but from what I could gather, they will pretty much shadow ban my posts and make them not visible.

Facebook is on a power trip now but a reckoning is on the way. The way I see it, when President Donald J. Trump launches his new social media site FB will lose about half of its members – I’ve already signed up for the new conservative site. Trump promises not to censure but yet be open to all points of view. In my opinion, that’s all a normal person would expect – most folks just want a fair shake and the ability to express their views without being suppressed by a bunch of “woke” jerks.

Chances are that FB will put me back in their jail when I post a link to this article, so I’m asking all my friends and followers to bookmark this blog – I will continue to keep you updated on my situation. Remember, my “Talk Common Sense” podcast is on most of the platforms including: Pandora, Spotify, Amazon Music, Google Podcast, iHeart Radio, Tunein, Apple Podcasts, and many more – just Google it.

I am also on the following conservative sites under my name: Twitter, MeWe, Orbys, Parler, CloutHub, Getter, Substack, Locals, and Telegram.

My video podcasts are on YouTube (MVM Images) and (tcm409). I appreciate all of you and I hope you have an awesome Christmas!

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